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Friday, August 30, 2013

Just Won 3 Books!

Last night I was bored & feeling lucky so I decided to enter some book giveaways on Goodreads. If you haven't heard of Goodreads, it is a reader's/writer's community where you can review, recommend, and talk about books you've read. 
Goodreads has a HUGE selection of book giveaways. These are all given by the author or publisher in hopes to receive reviews in return. Which, of course, I will do my best to provide.
How did I win 3 books? I have no idea. I will admit that I ehm, signed up for every single giveaway that night.

Books I Won:
--by Carolyn Holland
--by Clare O'Donohue
--by Michelle Cohen Corasanti

When I receive and read the books, expect to see a review posted here as well as on Goodreads.

Crap, it's been a while

Well, I really have no excuse this time. I've just not been doing much of anything  so I didn't want to bore you with my uninspired writing. 
I'm not even kidding though. I've been doing absolutely nothing productive. Ok, scratch that. I've been catching up in Supernatural. And reading hurt!Sam fanfics. And crying because I saw spoilers. But yeah that's about it.
Now that schools about to start, funny as it sounds, I figure Ill have more of a social life, thus having more ideas to write about. 
I also tend to read more during the school year. (eh? No I'm totally paying attention Mr. teacher!) so I will be able to write more reviews and recommendations. 
Be expecting much more of me :)

Peace out!