Request a R&R (Read and Review)

I'd be happy to R&R for you, whether it be your own book, blog, or a published author's. Here's what you have to do:
Put together info on the book

Like the title, author's name, and genre. Please also tell me why you want me to review the book. If you want me to link to a certain page about the book somewhere in my review, give me the link as well.

Send me the eBook (if possible)

I don't have much money to go spending on ebooks that you want me to review, so either make sure the book is free, or send me a copy of the ebook through email.

Send all this to me via EMAIL

Your email should fit the following requirements:

Subject: R&R Request- BOOKNAME

Body: All of the above listed


1. If I say I can't/won't review a book, that's that. I have my reasons, may it be that I don't really think I would be interested in reading the book, or that I have too much work at the time, it's all the same. No is no.

2. Please don't take my review and claim it as your own. You can't post it anywhere, not your own blog, not Goodreads, nowhere. You can, of course, link to it :)

3. If you don't like my opinion on a book you asked me to review, don't get all flame-y. We all have our own opinions, and no, I will not take it down.