Thursday, July 18, 2013

Earn Money With Photography

Photography is a very fun hobby/career to pursue. Unfortunately, all the professional equipment is very expensive, so how do you go about getting the equipment you need? 
Well, if you already have or can purchase a cheap ($50-$150) camera, then start practicing with it. Once you know your way around the features, choose your favorite picture (THAT YOU TOOK!) and put it on a flyer that you will put around your neighborhood. Tell what you can photograph, and your prices. Give contact info so potential customers can reach you, and then pass them out. Put them everywhere. (DON'T LITTER)
 Tell your friends about it, and maybe they can join you. You'd split the profits, or keep whatever you earned separately. It doesn't matter, but once your business gets big enough, you may need a few extra hands to help.
 You can also enter photography contests, but real ones are few and far between on the Internet, and most don't have prizes. Look for a contest in your local area, like the library or art center.
 Also, if you don't know what you should do to improve your photography, post some pictures on and describe what camera you took it with, and ask for advice.
 There are also websites that allow you to sell your photos to buyers through them. You upload your picture, describe it, and send it in. If it is accepted, you will either be paid right then, or once someone buys your photo. 
 Another cool thing I found was Foap. It's an Apple app that allows users to submit their iPhone pictures and earn money from those, too!
There are endless possibilities for photography, don't let your budget bring you down!


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