Sunday, September 8, 2013

Maximum Ride; Reasons I'm Team FAX (spoilers)

Ok, let me explain. Two of the main characters, Max, and Fang, fall in love (TEAM FAX), then they break up (kinda) and get caught up in a love triangle (square?). Max gets involved with Dylan [Team Mylan :( ], and Fang gets sorta involved with Maya, Max's clone. Creepy, right?

So, I am completely and totally, with all my heart, team Fax. Want to know why?

1. Best Friends Forever!

Max and Fang have been best friends forever, and they have a long history, it was just so meant to be. They know everything about each other, and still love each other. Fang and Max has got to be the best fictional couple that I've ever read about. I don't think James Patterson is dumb enough to create the perfect couple and then break it up at the end. I hope he isn't dumb enough..

2."Right Wing Man"

Fang has always been Max's "right wing man". The second in command, who she looks to for help when she can't keep control, or when she has a tough decision to make. He's always been there for her, when she needs him, and when she would rather he not be there.

3. Fax just sounds so right

Mylan does not. Point Proven.

4. Uhm, sexy much?

Fang is sooooo sexy, I just love him! The way he is described in the books, he is the tall dark and handsome, quiet and mysterious, silent and dangerous, but loving, all at the same time. Who wouldn't want that?


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