Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Hunger Games Movie

The Hunger Games came out midnight on March 23, 2012. It consisted of love, death, bonds, friendship, and much more.
Personally, I thought that the scene where Katniss volunteered for Prim was the best scene in the movie. The emotion put into those words, “I volunteer as tribute” really showed that Katniss loved her sister more than anything. Prim crying and trying to get to Katniss after the guards took her up to the stage really got to me. This was one of the many times of the movie where I almost cried. The scene I didn’t really like was when Katniss and Peeta attempt suicide because the game makers decided that only one tribute could make it out alive. They didn’t really put enough emotion and effort into that scene. In the book, it was much more touching, and in the movie, it was just boring.
This movie really did a great job when it comes to emotion and the bonds between characters. You could tell that the actors actually read the books and got really into their characters, like they connected with them. The emotion in some of the scenes was really touching, and the characters’ bonds made you wish you had that kind of bond with someone. The friendship that was created in and out of the arena was really amazing, it was a part of the movie that made you feel really good inside. Haymitch, one of my favorite characters, really added to the movie. He broke the tension between the characters in the beginning, and he really cared about Katniss and Peeta. He’s funny, he’s sarcastic, and I just love him!
The movie wasn’t perfect, though. The movie was very violent, with a large amount of fighting and deaths. The movie was full of blood and gore, and what made it worse is that it was kids killing each other for the entertainment of the capitol. The relationship between Katniss and Gale, back in the Seam, wasn’t presented very well in the movie in comparison to the books. You don’t really see, in the movie, how close they are, it seems like the actors didn’t really like each other, and the director didn’t really spend enough time on the scenes where they are together. Another thing I didn’t really like about the movie was that they changed how Katniss got the mockingjay pin. In the book, her friend Madge gave it to her before she left for the Games, and that’s when they really became friends. In the movie, she bought it for Prim, and Prim gave it back to her for the Games. It’s still really sweet, but in the movie, it makes it seem like Gale was the only friend Katniss had. It didn’t really focus at all on her life at home.
This movie was still very good. I love how the friendships grow, how the bonds are shown, and even though it was very violent, it was still very touching.


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