Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting Novel Writing Ideas

Coming up with ideas for books and novels can be tricky. You have to really think, think about everything you want to be in the book. Think of the characters, the plot, the conflict, the setting, everything! This is what I do.

First, you should always decide how long you want your book to be. If you want it to be a children's picure book, then make sure your plot is simple enough that it can fit into a picture book.

Also, think about who your audience is. If you are writing for toddlers, then you wouldn't want to use difficult words they wouldn't understand. And you wouldn't want any romance in the story.

Then, I brainstorm ideas for my niche (your area of writing comfort). Mine, which happens to be teen paranormal romance, is easy for me to think and to write about, because I enjoy it. So, I think of every type of mystical creature, and decide which one I want my main character(s) to be.

Then, I decide how I want my main characters to act, and make a character page for each and every one of them. Yes, it is difficult, but who ever said novel writing was easy? The character pages include name, date of birth, a detailed description, and their personality. You can add much, much more, though.

Then, I think about what I want to happen. Who should the heroine fall in love with? Should there be a love triangle? What is the conflict? How do they meet? When do they fall in love? etc.

How should the book end? Should I leave it open for a sequel? Or is the ending perfect, and I don't really want to mess with it?

It's your story, your idea, make it you!


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