Saturday, September 7, 2013

Maximum Ride - Nevermore by James Patterson

Also posted on my Goodreads account.


For those of you who haven't read the series, Maximum Ride is about a group of kids who grew up in a science lab, created by "mad" scientists. Long story short; they have wings. They have escaped the lab and are fugitives, on the run. I make it sound so interesting (not), but I really don't know how to describe it!


Wow, the end of Maximum Ride. I don't even know where to start with this. I've actually put off writing this review for a while now, but I need to do this. I must release the feels! Well, let me tell you, first, that MR was my favorite series, up until Angel (the book, not the person). I was obsessed with it. UP UNTIL ANGEL. I have always been in love with Fang, and when he left and treated Max like shit, I was dying inside. The fangirl in me was screaming, FAX FAX FAX! And I didn't really want to finish, but I felt like I had to see the series through to the end, after following it for so long. HUGE MISTAKE


Horrible. That's one word to describe the last book in the Maximum Ride series. Depressing. That's another. Makesmewanttokillmyself. Yet another. A horrible ending to a series that had great potential. I read reviews about it and didn't want to read it, but I did. Why am I so stupid?! I should have left it on the bookshelf and keep the series in my imagination, where there's really no end to it, if that made any sense at all. I bet it didn't. Just ignore that.

Max has become a completely different person. No longer the badass heroine that we all loved, she is now a boy-crazy beady-eyed lovebird. She didn't even think about Angel. She tried to pretend that she never existed, because it hurt to think about her. The Max I know would never do that. She would never give up on Angel, would search for her forever. But no, instead she's riding a motorcycle (?? how did they get a motorcycle?) with Dylan.

Then Maya dies because of Ari, which by the way, HOW DID HE COME BACK TO LIFE?! and Fang comes back to the flock. They find out Angel might not be dead, go looking for her, yadayadayada, find her and bring her home. I think they might have clipped her wings, but I'm not sure. I kind of skimmed. Really, it was the most I could bring myself to do.

Then it turns out Dr. Martinez (Max's MOM!!) was on the bad guys side. But then it's all okay because she was brainwashed.
The ending. Oh my God, I wanted to die. What happens is Angel tells Max that she's her Voice, and then Fang and Max make out, and then the whole human population dies, except for the mutants.
Overall, the book was rushed and left a whole lot of loose ends. A few (not all) of the questions I had after reading this book were:

1. What about Dylan?
I mean, I'm 100% Fax, but what about the other boy in this love triangle? He's probably gonna have to stay with the flock, so won't that be awkz?

2. What happened to the rest of the flock?
They were in a cave thanks to Dylan when the end of the world happened, so Max (and the reader) has absolutely no idea what happened to them.

3. What's with Ella?
She leaves this cryptic message 'I was meant to have wings' in the sand and is gone, so what the hell happened? She just reappeared with her mom.

4. Speaking of Ella
What happened to her and her mom? Did they survive?

5. Ari. WTF
How the crap did Ari come back, and why wasn't he nice anymore?

This book left me with more questions that I had starting it. Personally, I'd rather have not read it and finish the book in my imagination (that's a better way to say that).

I refuse to believe that the man who wrote the first few books could have written this piece of shit. I did like that Fax reunited, but that's the only thing I liked about this book.



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