Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What to Do as a Teen During Spring Break When You're Not Going Anywhere

What to do, what to do?! Spring has sprung, and break's just around the corner, but your parents can't afford to take you anywhere for vacation, but all your friends get to go somewhere. What on earth can you possibly do for a whole week without friends to hang out with?!

I find myself in that dilemma most every spring break. What do I do to stay sane? Well, I'm not entirely sane, but hey, I have found some things to do during break.

Studying is one of the more responsible things to do, though nobody wants to do it. If you have your future in mind, and aren't doing too well in your classes, studying will help you out A LOT. You don't have to study all day and night, but, say, an hour every day. It would really help you with your classes and your parents would see it as you being responsible, and may reward you for it!

Taking up a hobby is a great thing to do during spring break. You can make jewelry, write, read, do some crafts, anything. Some of the hobbies you might choose can even earn you some money by selling the product, like earrings you made.

Starting a business is a little hard to do, and takes a lot of work, but you will earn some extra money with your free time. Print an ad offering to do some odd jobs, help little kids study, plan a party, help with a yard sale, basically anything you can think of. List everything that you are willing to do, and give somewhere for people to contact you at.


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