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Welcome to my blog, a whole universe of ideas.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What to Do as a Teen During Spring Break When You're Not Going Anywhere

What to do, what to do?! Spring has sprung, and break's just around the corner, but your parents can't afford to take you anywhere for vacation, but all your friends get to go somewhere. What on earth can you possibly do for a whole week without friends to hang out with?!

I find myself in that dilemma most every spring break. What do I do to stay sane? Well, I'm not entirely sane, but hey, I have found some things to do during break.

Studying is one of the more responsible things to do, though nobody wants to do it. If you have your future in mind, and aren't doing too well in your classes, studying will help you out A LOT. You don't have to study all day and night, but, say, an hour every day. It would really help you with your classes and your parents would see it as you being responsible, and may reward you for it!

Taking up a hobby is a great thing to do during spring break. You can make jewelry, write, read, do some crafts, anything. Some of the hobbies you might choose can even earn you some money by selling the product, like earrings you made.

Starting a business is a little hard to do, and takes a lot of work, but you will earn some extra money with your free time. Print an ad offering to do some odd jobs, help little kids study, plan a party, help with a yard sale, basically anything you can think of. List everything that you are willing to do, and give somewhere for people to contact you at.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Hunger Games Movie

The Hunger Games came out midnight on March 23, 2012. It consisted of love, death, bonds, friendship, and much more.
Personally, I thought that the scene where Katniss volunteered for Prim was the best scene in the movie. The emotion put into those words, “I volunteer as tribute” really showed that Katniss loved her sister more than anything. Prim crying and trying to get to Katniss after the guards took her up to the stage really got to me. This was one of the many times of the movie where I almost cried. The scene I didn’t really like was when Katniss and Peeta attempt suicide because the game makers decided that only one tribute could make it out alive. They didn’t really put enough emotion and effort into that scene. In the book, it was much more touching, and in the movie, it was just boring.
This movie really did a great job when it comes to emotion and the bonds between characters. You could tell that the actors actually read the books and got really into their characters, like they connected with them. The emotion in some of the scenes was really touching, and the characters’ bonds made you wish you had that kind of bond with someone. The friendship that was created in and out of the arena was really amazing, it was a part of the movie that made you feel really good inside. Haymitch, one of my favorite characters, really added to the movie. He broke the tension between the characters in the beginning, and he really cared about Katniss and Peeta. He’s funny, he’s sarcastic, and I just love him!
The movie wasn’t perfect, though. The movie was very violent, with a large amount of fighting and deaths. The movie was full of blood and gore, and what made it worse is that it was kids killing each other for the entertainment of the capitol. The relationship between Katniss and Gale, back in the Seam, wasn’t presented very well in the movie in comparison to the books. You don’t really see, in the movie, how close they are, it seems like the actors didn’t really like each other, and the director didn’t really spend enough time on the scenes where they are together. Another thing I didn’t really like about the movie was that they changed how Katniss got the mockingjay pin. In the book, her friend Madge gave it to her before she left for the Games, and that’s when they really became friends. In the movie, she bought it for Prim, and Prim gave it back to her for the Games. It’s still really sweet, but in the movie, it makes it seem like Gale was the only friend Katniss had. It didn’t really focus at all on her life at home.
This movie was still very good. I love how the friendships grow, how the bonds are shown, and even though it was very violent, it was still very touching.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How To Talk to your Parents (So they will listen)

Whether you want your parents to let you have a sleepover on a school day, get your ears pierced, get a dog, or just about anything else, it can be very hard to convince your parents to allow you.
Parents can be tricky to communicate with. They never seem to understand their kids. Oh, they say, "I was a kid once!" but then they go right ahead and ignore everything that you say to them. It can be very difficult, but yes, it is possible to talk to your parents and have them actually listen. Here are my tips on how to make it a whole lot easier.
1. Be mature
Parents are more likely to listen to you if you act mature. I’m willing to promise you that over half the time your parents say ‘no’ to something you’re asking for, it’s because they don’t think you are mature enough, or capable of handling the responsibilities that may come along with it. Show them that you are ready, and that you will handle the responsibilities right by doing your chores, making your bed, not arguing with your siblings, and doing what they tell you to do, when they tell you to do it.
2. Prepare a speech
When you have something prepared to say to your parents, you sound much more ready for whatever you want to do. You should have all your points set out, and all your ideas carefully listed. Also take some time to go over some questions or issues your parents may bring up, and your response to them.
3. Do research
Look up some articles on what you want. If you want a dog, find the kind of dog that would be best for you and your family. Show your parents that you have done your work and are ready for this responsibility.
4. Write an essay or letter
Writing is a much easier way to collect all your information and your opinions. Make an essay or letter and give it to your parents. Make sure you do this AFTER sitting down with them and talking to them about it, because you don’t want them thinking you’re being lazy by just writing a letter.
5. Be prepared for them to say 'no'
Yes, it may annoy you, but they do have a right to say no. And, the more respectful you are when they do say it, the more likely you are to get to do it another time.

Simple Websites to help the Poor

There are many websites out there that will actually give money or vaccines, etc to the poor when you do something. That can be anything from clicking a button and looking at some sponsors, to answering trivia! I love doing these, because it takes my free time, and makes them productive. I feel good, and I'm helping other people live happier, healthier, longer lives.

The first website I will show you is thenonprofits.com. It lists all the click to donate sites for different categories. I try to go through all of them once a day. Note that some of the links are old, and won't work, but the ones that do are worth the time taken going through the broken ones.


The second website I'm going to show you is freerice.com. It is a trivia game, where, for every question you get right, rice is given to the hungry. The questions are in levels and categories, so you can actually study and learn while doing this. This website is 100% legit.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting Novel Writing Ideas

Coming up with ideas for books and novels can be tricky. You have to really think, think about everything you want to be in the book. Think of the characters, the plot, the conflict, the setting, everything! This is what I do.

First, you should always decide how long you want your book to be. If you want it to be a children's picure book, then make sure your plot is simple enough that it can fit into a picture book.

Also, think about who your audience is. If you are writing for toddlers, then you wouldn't want to use difficult words they wouldn't understand. And you wouldn't want any romance in the story.

Then, I brainstorm ideas for my niche (your area of writing comfort). Mine, which happens to be teen paranormal romance, is easy for me to think and to write about, because I enjoy it. So, I think of every type of mystical creature, and decide which one I want my main character(s) to be.

Then, I decide how I want my main characters to act, and make a character page for each and every one of them. Yes, it is difficult, but who ever said novel writing was easy? The character pages include name, date of birth, a detailed description, and their personality. You can add much, much more, though.

Then, I think about what I want to happen. Who should the heroine fall in love with? Should there be a love triangle? What is the conflict? How do they meet? When do they fall in love? etc.

How should the book end? Should I leave it open for a sequel? Or is the ending perfect, and I don't really want to mess with it?

It's your story, your idea, make it you!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Sorcerer's Apprentice 2? Could there be a sequel?

The sorcerer's apprentice was a movie filmed in 2010, a family comedy, about a seemingly normal boy, Dave Stutler, who finds out he is destined to be a powerful sorcerer. He then goes on to many different adventures with his mentor, Belthazor, and finds out that he bit off more than he could chew.

The reason that I think that there may be a sequel, is that at the end, you see the main antagonist's hat on the pole, just after Dave and Belthazor have won, indicating that there is room for a sequel. Also, it could have a sequel, as it is based off a series of books. They probably left it open so that they could have a sequel if they felt like it.

One of the reasons that there may not be a sequel is that the Sorcerer's Apprentice didn't do very well in the theatres, and rumor has it that, because of that, there will be no sequel.

But, we really don't know until they announce it. There could be, and there could not be, don't let your hopes down, and don't get your hopes up.

Either way, if you haven't seen The Sorcerer's Apprentice, I highly reccomend that you should. It is very funny and a great movie for parents to watch with their kids.

What do you think? Should there be a sequel? Should there not? Why? Leave your response in the comments.

Maximum Ride; Reasons I'm Team FAX (spoilers)

Ok, let me explain. Two of the main characters, Max, and Fang, fall in love (TEAM FAX), then they break up (kinda) and get caught up in a love triangle (square?). Max gets involved with Dylan [Team Mylan :( ], and Fang gets sorta involved with Maya, Max's clone. Creepy, right?

So, I am completely and totally, with all my heart, team Fax. Want to know why?

1. Best Friends Forever!

Max and Fang have been best friends forever, and they have a long history, it was just so meant to be. They know everything about each other, and still love each other. Fang and Max has got to be the best fictional couple that I've ever read about. I don't think James Patterson is dumb enough to create the perfect couple and then break it up at the end. I hope he isn't dumb enough..

2."Right Wing Man"

Fang has always been Max's "right wing man". The second in command, who she looks to for help when she can't keep control, or when she has a tough decision to make. He's always been there for her, when she needs him, and when she would rather he not be there.

3. Fax just sounds so right

Mylan does not. Point Proven.

4. Uhm, sexy much?

Fang is sooooo sexy, I just love him! The way he is described in the books, he is the tall dark and handsome, quiet and mysterious, silent and dangerous, but loving, all at the same time. Who wouldn't want that?