Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How To Talk to your Parents (So they will listen)

Whether you want your parents to let you have a sleepover on a school day, get your ears pierced, get a dog, or just about anything else, it can be very hard to convince your parents to allow you.
Parents can be tricky to communicate with. They never seem to understand their kids. Oh, they say, "I was a kid once!" but then they go right ahead and ignore everything that you say to them. It can be very difficult, but yes, it is possible to talk to your parents and have them actually listen. Here are my tips on how to make it a whole lot easier.
1. Be mature
Parents are more likely to listen to you if you act mature. I’m willing to promise you that over half the time your parents say ‘no’ to something you’re asking for, it’s because they don’t think you are mature enough, or capable of handling the responsibilities that may come along with it. Show them that you are ready, and that you will handle the responsibilities right by doing your chores, making your bed, not arguing with your siblings, and doing what they tell you to do, when they tell you to do it.
2. Prepare a speech
When you have something prepared to say to your parents, you sound much more ready for whatever you want to do. You should have all your points set out, and all your ideas carefully listed. Also take some time to go over some questions or issues your parents may bring up, and your response to them.
3. Do research
Look up some articles on what you want. If you want a dog, find the kind of dog that would be best for you and your family. Show your parents that you have done your work and are ready for this responsibility.
4. Write an essay or letter
Writing is a much easier way to collect all your information and your opinions. Make an essay or letter and give it to your parents. Make sure you do this AFTER sitting down with them and talking to them about it, because you don’t want them thinking you’re being lazy by just writing a letter.
5. Be prepared for them to say 'no'
Yes, it may annoy you, but they do have a right to say no. And, the more respectful you are when they do say it, the more likely you are to get to do it another time.


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