Welcome to Being Brittish!

Welcome to my blog, a whole universe of ideas.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Donate for FREE

Helping the needy is something many want to do but just don't have the time or energy to invest in weekly volunteering or the likes, so it just becomes another area of procrastination. However, with the computer and internet being as popular as it is today, it is possible to actually help the less fortunate right through your computer screen! There are actually websites that, with the help of ads and sponsors, are able to donate anything from water to vaccines to the poor.

Freerice is a 100% legit charity website that lets visitors answer trivia, and with every correct answer, 10 grains of rice is donated. It is also stated in their 'About' section that they strive to provide free education for everyone. The player has the choice of many different categories and levels, so you can learn some new vocabulary for your foreign language and help feed people at the same time!

The Nonprofits is a directory of many of the charity/nonprofit websites. It's categorized by -Education -Health -Animals -Environment and -Hunger/Poverty. The charities listed on this page require anything from just clicking a button to checking out sponsors. It's a huge variety of charities that is sure to help many people! Note that this website is not updated often and some links may be out of date.

Helping people is a great way to help yourself, as well. When you help someone, they feel good. When they feel good, you feel good. Honestly, just knowing that you did something to help someone is enough to make me smile!

10 'What if' Questions

What if questions are a great way to stretch the imagination, and a really good way to find new writing ideas. Here are 10 what if questions of my own.
What if...
The world really were flat?
*What would happen? Would we not have enough space to live, what with the rapidly growing population?
You were never born?
*Where would your parents be? What would your friends be like? Would you siblings be any different?
North America was never found?
*What would happen? Would we still be subject to England's rule?
The South won the Civil War?
*Would slaves still be around today? Who do you know that would not be alive because of it?
We had time machines?
*What do you think you would go back and do? Would the world be changing every second, but we just don't remember how it used to be?
Your favorite movie/book/series character came to life?
*Would you become best friends, worst enemies, how would life be? Would it change everything in your small town?
School didn't exist?
*How uneducated would the youth, and adults, of america be?
Pollutants didn't exist?
*What if we(humans) had never found, or invented things that were pollutants? How different would the world be, for both industrialism and for the earth?
Christmas was in the spring?
*What is Jesus was born in the spring? Would it be any different? What would happen to spring break? No more white christmasses?
everyone had superpowers?
*in your opinion, what would happen?

Want to be the first to hear about new books?

When I first heard about The Hunger Games, it was after the movie had been announced and filming had started, so when I read it I already had a visualization of the characters based on the actors' appearances. While I do love when good books are made into movies, I much enjoy imagining the characters to my own liking. Whether you have the same problem as me, or just want a jump-start on the new trends, this post is for you.

A while back, I was searching for some good books to read when I stumbled upon a relatively unknown website called Any New Books?. This website is an email newsletter that allows you to sign up for certain genres, be it Teen, Mystery, Horror, etc. and be notified via email (once per week) when there are new books available in your selected genres.

I find this especially useful when out of reading ideas, or when I'm trying to keep up with my favorite series. ANB? posts books from famous authors to unknown beauties waiting to be found.
Be the first of your friends to know about the next big books!


--Stay tuned for more reading resources!--

Earn Money With Photography

Photography is a very fun hobby/career to pursue. Unfortunately, all the professional equipment is very expensive, so how do you go about getting the equipment you need? 
Well, if you already have or can purchase a cheap ($50-$150) camera, then start practicing with it. Once you know your way around the features, choose your favorite picture (THAT YOU TOOK!) and put it on a flyer that you will put around your neighborhood. Tell what you can photograph, and your prices. Give contact info so potential customers can reach you, and then pass them out. Put them everywhere. (DON'T LITTER)
 Tell your friends about it, and maybe they can join you. You'd split the profits, or keep whatever you earned separately. It doesn't matter, but once your business gets big enough, you may need a few extra hands to help.
 You can also enter photography contests, but real ones are few and far between on the Internet, and most don't have prizes. Look for a contest in your local area, like the library or art center.
 Also, if you don't know what you should do to improve your photography, post some pictures on Deviantart.com and describe what camera you took it with, and ask for advice.
 There are also websites that allow you to sell your photos to buyers through them. You upload your picture, describe it, and send it in. If it is accepted, you will either be paid right then, or once someone buys your photo. 
 Another cool thing I found was Foap. It's an Apple app that allows users to submit their iPhone pictures and earn money from those, too!
There are endless possibilities for photography, don't let your budget bring you down!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fashion Websites

While teen girls are the most knowledgeable when it comes to fashion, everyone has their areas of expertise, and areas they don't know so well. That's when you know it's time to get some help, be it advice, suggestions, opinions, or even money-saving tips. (For those days when you’re not actually made of money.) Usually, who does a girl turn to in her time of need? Another girl, usually a close friend. But what happens when your friends either a) run out of usefulness or b) don’t have a good fashion sense have the same style as you? The answer to that question is as most likely predicted: the internet.
Yes, the internet is a big, scary place, and so you don’t get lost, I’ve provided some websites that I find useful when I need some help.
Pinterest, for those who haven't heard of it, is a social networking site based on the idea of pinning notes and ideas to a bulletin board. People post pictures and you can 'repin' them to one of your 'boards'. Let me explain; to 'repin' is to 'share', as one would say on Facebook. A 'board' is a section of photos on your profile. You can make categories that you will file your pictures under, and then save the pictures to each board. While fashion is not the main topic of this website, it does have a huge amount of fashion content. It has outfit ideas, accessories to buy, cute shirts, etc. You can find most anything you could ever need here. All you have to do is 'search' for 'fashion'.
As you probably already guessed, this is an online clothing store. They have plenty of fashionable shirts, pants, dresses, and even accessories. The website is user-friendly and easy on the eyes. Though all sales are final, meaning no returns, even if an item doesn't fit or you don't like the way it looks on you, you're only out $10-$15. That's right; most of the items in this store are only $10-$15.
3. Wish.com
Wish is a new kind of shopping website. It connects to facebook so that you can shop with your friends. It's quite an interesting idea. You can see what your friends like and buy, and can send and receive suggestions. You are able to search for a topic, like 'Doctor Who' and get plenty of results, including clothes! You can even earn discounts by 'wish'ing for an item, and recommending items to friends. This website is kind of like Pinterest, except you can actually buy (most) of the items you see.
And last but not least, one more idea. It's not a link, because everyone has to find their own. My last recombination for you is to find a fashion blog. One that shares the same style as you. You can learn a lot from fashion blogs, and you never know what you might find.

3 Great Ways to Find New Books

It's not always easy to find your next read, so why not get some help? There are plenty, I'm sure, of websites that allow you to do this, but here are the top 3 that I am aware of. No particular order.

1. TasteKid
This website allows you to enter books you've read, shows and movies you've seen, and music you liked, and it takes that information and uses it to decide what shows, music, movies and books you might like as well. It is great, but since it's not 100% for books, it's not as specific or specialized as Goodreads, which I will talk about next.
2. Goodreads
Goodreads is basically a social network for readers. You can review, rate, and organize books that you have already read or want to read. After you've rated 20 books, you start getting book recommendations based on what you have liked. The more you read and rate, the better the suggestions. This one is great for avid readers, but if you don't read that much, it might be too much work.
3. Yahoo! Answers
I know it's not the best website, and it's definitely not made for books, but I've gotten great recommendations here. What you do to get the best recommendations is list the books you've liked that are alike, and in the same genre as the kind of books you're looking for. You'll get a lot of titles, and you'll have to look them up individually, but don't let that deter you! You can find your next favorite book by doing this.

While I'm sure there are more websites for this purpose, these will surely get you started!

Request a R&R (Read and Review)

I'd be happy to R&R for you, whether it be your own book or a published author's. Here's what you have to do:

-Put together info on the book

Like the title, author's name, and genre. Please also tell me why you want me to review the book. If you want me to link to a certain page about the book somewhere in my review, give me the link as well.

-Send me the eBook (if possible)

I don't have much money to go spending on ebooks that you want me to review, so either make sure the book is free, or send me a copy of the ebook through email.

Send all this to me via EMAIL

Your email should fit the following requirements:

Subject: R&R Request- BOOKNAME

Body: All of the above listed


1. If I say I can't/won't review a book, that's that. I have my reasons, may it be that I don't really think I would be interested in reading the book, or that I have too much work at the time, it's all the same. No is no.

2. Please don't take my review and claim it as your own. You can't post it anywhere, not your own blog, not Goodreads, nowhere. You can, of course, link to it :)

3. If you don't like my opinion on a book you asked me to review, don't get all flame-y. We all have our own opinions, and no, I will not take it down.

Anna Dressed in Blood - Kendare Blake

Anna Dressed in Blood is a ghost story/paranormal romance duology (two book series) written by the lovely Kendare Blake, who actually responds to her fans on twitter:


This book is about Cas, a boy who, like his father before him, kills the dead. Ghosts, I mean. Basically, most ghosts in this book lose their personality, their humanity when they die, leaving just an angry spirit who wants revenge or whatever. So, that's where Cas comes in. He has to finish them off, sending them to wherever they're meant to be. Because of this 'job', he has to constantly relocate, with his mom (the witch), to the ghosts. It can take some time to figure out how to.. finish them.

He has never had a friend, and basically does nothing for fun. That is, until he goes to a new town, and meets Carmel (a popular girl) and Thomas (a psychic). They become friends and help him with his ghost killing. Enter Anna Dressed in Blood. She haunts the abandoned Victorian house in their town. She kills everyone who enters. She even kills two people that came in with Cas, but for some reason, she doesn't kill him.

Ok, that's enough for the summary, because I don't want to spoil it! :)


After reading Beautiful Creatures, I never wanted to read another book with a male main character, so I was kind of hesitant to read this one. But even though it has a male MC, I still completely understood what Cas was feeling and thinking.
The characters were great; they were relate-able and completely likable, except for the antagonists.
I love how the relationships grow, and nothing's too rushed. The characters grow and change throughout the course of the book, making you love them even more. The book had me hooked from page one. I couldn't put it down! There's mystery, romance, a lot of blood and gore, some descriptive blood and gore. That was the only thing I didn't really like about it, I don't care how crooked the person's head is after they're dead. Just say they're dead. But it added to the spook factor.
The ending had me wanting more, and lucky for me, there's a second, which I will review later.

Anna DIB doesn't have what it takes to be a popular YA novel; two hot boys fighting over the female MC. But I still think it's better than most of the junk that populates the YA bookshelves lately.

Moral of the review: never judge a book by it's popularity.

Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi


Shatter Me is about a girl named Juliette who was locked up in an asylum for murder, when it was a complete accident. See, Juliette's touch is fatal. The book starts off with her sitting in hercell room alone, counting stuff nonstop, when she gets a boy cell roommate.
It turns out Adam, the roommate, was with the government, and they take her to a gov't base of some sort to try and convince her to use her 'gift' to help them. Plot twist- Adam's on Juliette's side. Warner, the leader of the cult government, flirts with Juliette. Adam and Juliette escape to Adam's house and they see his little brother. Warner finds them and they run, ending up at a place for 'mutants' like Juliette.
There is set to be a Novella in Warner's POV, and a two more books.


The style of writing was interesting, to say the least. The main character's thoughts really do show that she had been in, basically, solitary confinement for about a year. She has counted every foot of the cell she's in. She constantly is pointing out numbers, like with Adam's 2 lips, 2 eyes, etc. She also crossed out some of her thoughts, like when she called her room a cell, which it totally was.
The beginning was kind of boring to me, because all she did was sit in a room and complain in her head. But the boring part was over quickly, and after that there was no putting the book down. I never knew whether or not to trust Adam, but one thing I'm sure about; Warner is a dumba**. He really pissed me off. But I felt kind of sorry for him, in that creepy he's a murderer way. Make sense?
I did think that the end, where they get to the home for the 'gifted' like Juliette, was a bit cliche. I mean, ever watched X-Men? What was the name of their school, Xavier's something? Whatever, off topic.
This book was very interesting, and I'm looking forward to the next two in the series.

TMI City of Bones CH1 - Jace's POV

I had to do this for an English project, and I liked it, so I'm posting it here. It's not perfect, but whatever.

Blue hair. The demon’s glamoured itself with blue hair. Way to lay low. Personally, I like the invisible glamour better. Of course, the demons and fellow Shadowhunters can still see me, but regular humans, or as we Shadowhunters call them, Mundanes, cannot, which comes in handy when I’m killing a demon or the likes. Mundanes tend to get a bit nervous around weapons.

The demon is third in line, which is moving slowly, so I decide to people watch to pass the time. I find Mundanes interesting. They’re so care-free, so innocent. How can they live that way? It seems so boring.

There are plenty of people in the crowd, and none really catch my attention. Then I see a girl about my age with fiery red hair. She’s looking at the demon. The boy next to her, a date, I suppose, nudges her and says something. She blushes and hits him playfully, not saying anything. Out of all the people in the crowd, why would she notice him? Other than the blue hair, because I’m sure that at least half the crowd has dyed their hair some crazy color.

Alec taps my shoulder to get my attention. I look at the demon, who is talking to the bouncer. The bouncer is looking at the knife in his hands and shaking his head. The demon smiles and uses his glamour to bend the knife as if it was plastic, as if it weren’t lethal. The idiot bouncer falls for it.

I shake my head in disgust. Mundanes will believe anything. They don’t want to believe that there is anything beyond their beliefs, their science, so they don’t. They could see a demon without it’s glamour and they would just force themselves to think it was something else, like a snake or wolf.

The demon is walking triumphantly into the club. I turn to Alec, my adoptive brother, best friend, and parabatai, who nods his head. I start toward the entrance to the club, bumping into people who can’t feel me, don’t see me. It’s a bit unnerving, really. Even though I’ve been doing this for years, I just can’t get used to the whole not-being-seen-by-most-anyone part of it. When I reach the entrance, I stand in the doorway and look around, taking in the scene.

The demon has just spotted Iz, my adoptive sister and fellow shadowhunter, who is walking toward him. She looks beautiful as always, so it’s no surprise he immediately chooses her as his first victim of the night. Alec stands beside me, and I calmly look at him, raising one eyebrow. He follows the demon from a distance, who is taking Izzy into a storage room. By the Angel, how cliché. Can’t these demons, I don’t know, mix it up every once in a while? Make it a bit more interesting? Whatever.

I follow Alec and pull out my knife as we near the closed door to the storage room. Alec stops in front of the door, waiting for me. I hurry and catch up to him. He opens the door and we walk in.

The demon, who is standing a little too close to Isabelle, looks startled. Iz grabs her knife from inside her boot, revealing a bit of skin in the process. The demon eyes the black Marks on her leg and curses.

“Shadowhunters” He spits out the word like it’s dirt.

I lunge forward and pin the demon to the ground, when he starts talking.

“Don’t - don’t kill me. I have information in exchange for my life.” It begs, pathetically.

“Oh, and what information could be of enough importance to us that we would spare your murdering life?” I spit.

“I- I know where Valentine is!” It cries.

“Oh? So do I, he’s in hell. Tell him I say ‘hi’ when you get there.” I bring my knife forward and hold it to his throat.

I’m just about to kill him when I hear the door open. I don’t turn. Whoever it is can’t see us. Then I hear it. A girl gasps. I turn my head and get up off the demon. The red-head girl from before is standing in front of the door, staring at us. A Mundane who can see through our glamours? From the look on her face, I know she’s a Mundane. She looks as if she’s never seen a demon before, and has no idea who we are. She looks at me like we’re the demons.

I look at Alec, who usually has the answer to everything, but he looks just as stunned as I feel.

For once, I am at a loss for words. Something about the girl feels familiar, yet I have no idea who she is.

No Time to Die (Dark Secrets, #3) by Elizabeth Chandler *SPOILERS*

My English class is required to read a mystery novel and write a review for a project grade this quarter. Get this: I have until JANUARY 7 to read and write ONE book review. It's November 8th today. I knew academic English would be easy, but this is just cray.

What I will turn in:

We didn't have much time to pick a book, and we had to pick from the school library, so that's probably the only reason I picked this book. Not to say that I wouldn't like it, but it’s just so short! This project is to expand your reading tastes, and since I don’t usually read mystery, or books with death in them, I think this will help.

When I read a book for school, I usually try to write a bit about it before I start reading, so when I finish, I can go back and compare what I thought and what happened. I write what I think of the cover, what I think will happen, and if I think I will like the book.

The Cover:

The cover is supposed to look spooky with its black and white coloring and the random pictures blended together, but it just looks amateur and crowded. The images don't make any sense (although they might after I read it) and put together they look like something a 13 year old could do, not a publishing company! The subtitle, Evil is waiting in the wings, doesn't really fit with the cover. Heck, the cover doesn't fit with the cover. This book is part of a collection, and the cover of the collection itself is much nicer, so I'm thinking that this cover was just a quick remake so the book could sell solo.

What will happen?:

From the back, I can tell it will be a ghost/death mystery. Main character and narrater, Jenny, is going to the camp that her sister died at. It's a murder mystery, and that's about all I can tell from reading the blurb. The blurb is very mysterious, ending with questions.

I think that Jenny will:

*fall in love with the guy her sister was in love with

*almost get killed but be saved by the ghost of her dead sister

I think the book will end really mysteriously or suddenly, making you wonder what happened to the characters after the book leaves off.

Will I like it?:

I honestly can't tell yet if I will like it. I do love ghost stories, but this isn't as much a ghost story as a murder mystery. I have two sisters myself, and I'm not sure if this book will upset me. I can't even think about losing my sisters, and reading about it happening to someone, it's horrible. I found myself almost tearing up reading the blurb! Maybe I'm just over-emotional, but I don't like reading about death. After-death is fine, but when it's someone close to the main character it's just like- no.

And the main character may or may not be killed by the person who killed her own sister!

I hope I like it, I really do! It has such great potential, and I need to get over my inability to read sad books.


I hope the rest of this book isn't as depressing as the first chapter was. Not depressing as in - this author has no talent-, but more like -omg i think i might cry-. I knew what I was getting myself into the second I read the part in the blurb about the sister dying, but I have to read this. Not only because it's a project, but so I can get over my inability to read books with death in them.

The chapter starts off a few months in the past, in a memory of the night Jenny's sister died. Jenny had gotten a few calls from Liza, her sister, who was at a theater camp in Maryland. She called back, with no answer. The next day, she finds out Liza was killed.

The book then returns to the present. Jenny's talking to Sid, her chauffeur, on the way to the same theater camp Liza went to.

Sid doesn't want Jenny to go, but Jenny persists. The most of this chapter is her inner monologue, thinking about her sister. She arrives at the camp and goes straight for the theater.

--Nov 14--

The book's getting a lot better. It's less of Jenny's internal monologue and more action. They introduced a bunch of characters and a bit of the mystery. A bunch of foreshadowing, as well.


In chapter 2, Jenny goes to the stage in the theater and speaks a line that popped into her head. She has no idea where the words wame from. She finds out that they were from Liza's role in the play they performed the year she died. Jenny thinks it was because she had helped Liza study for auditions, but I think otherwise. Jenny keeps hearing voices, Liza's voice.

A guy about Jenny's age catches her speaking Liza's lines. He introduces himself as Brian Jones, and takes her to her cabin. She sees someone in the theater as they're walking out.


In chapter 3, we learn more about Liza's murder. In the cabin, some girls don't want a room because Liza's ghost is supposedly haunting it. Jenny takes the room. The girls tell Liza's story, how she was killed with an ax, and her wrist watch was broken. Jenny's there for the whole story, and all she does is "cringe on the inside". I'd be sobbing and trying to claw my eardrums out, personally.

They go outside and see a guy named Paul, who was obsessed with Liza, and supposedly started a fire to kill her.

I would have read more today, but we only had 10 minutes in class.


From this chapter, I know one thing for sure- Walker is a jerkface. He thinks he’s all that and publicly embarrasses people.

When Walker arrives at camp, everyone gathers around him and his motorcycle. Walker asks them their names in turn, and Jenny’s inner monologue (I love using that phrase) explains how she anonymously registered at the camp. A fat boy named Tomas tells Walker he doesn’t want to audition and Walker embarrasses him, calling him fat. Jenny decides to wait until later to tell him about her stage fright.

Brian catches up to her after the meeting and promises to talk to Walker for her.

Jenny goes to the bridge where Liza was found murdered and sees the boy who was in the theater earlier. She confronts him, and he asks her name. She replies and he introduces himself as Mike. Jenny wonders if he’s the Mike Liza used to talk about being in love with, however, he claims that they were just friends. He tells her he’s thinking about Liza, and asks if Jenny knows her. I think he suspect she does, but Jenny said no.

Jenny then leaves for dinner or a party of some kind.


Jenny goes to her room and unpacks, reading the last emails she ever received from Liza, from the night she died. In the emails, Liza talks about accidentally hurting someone.

Aaaand that’s where I stopped writing chapter summaries, for a couple of reasons.

1) My hand got really tired.


I finished the book last night.


The cover makes a little more sense now, after reading. The bridge in the picture signifies the place where Liza died. The happy/sad faces symbolize the acting in the book. The cover is kind of blue, so I think that is for the ‘blue dreams’ Jenny has about her sister’s death.

So, what happened?

This is probably going to sound like an episode of a drama show, but that’s just my lack of explaining skills.

Brian, the first person Jen meets at camp, fakes interest in her to find out if she really is Liza’s sister, which he suspected from the beginning. His mother, Maggie, who is also the assistant director, is the person who killed Liza. Brian is probably her accomplice. When he finds out that Jen is Liza’s sister, he tells his mom, who then attempts to kill Jen, making it look like suicide. Mike, the boy Liza was in love with, saves her. She finds out he accidentally misled Liza, because he was interested in Jen.

The janitor kills Maggie, and Mike and Jen escape. Jen’s parents come to the camp and her dad reconciles with Walker, after a bad past.

Jen and Mike kiss, and all is good.

Did I like it?

Yes! It was amazing. The book had me dying to see what happened next, I couldn’t put the book down! This book made me realize how much I love mystery books. I love how everything seems to come together. I love the suspense. I love everything about it.

I may have cried a bit while reading it, or I may not have. Either way, I made it through the book, and that’s a huge step for me. I used to not be able to read sad books at all, and though this wasn’t that sad, I think it’s a step in the right direction.

[Insert Obligatory Introduction Post Here]

[Insert Self-Introduction] 
Yo. I'm Brittney, the creator and author of this blog. I'm a 15 year old sophomore in Virginia, and I hope to major in writing. Some of my hobbies include reading, writing, singing, and blogging (though that kind of ties in with writing).
[Insert Blog Theme]
This blog is to be about anything a teen girl (or boy) could want; music, money, books, movies, advice, etc. I may also throw in some personal crap that nobody really cares about, but that will be few and far between, so no worries.
[Insert Swagalicious Ending]
Well, that's probably all I need to say for this post.
Peace out.