Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi


Shatter Me is about a girl named Juliette who was locked up in an asylum for murder, when it was a complete accident. See, Juliette's touch is fatal. The book starts off with her sitting in hercell room alone, counting stuff nonstop, when she gets a boy cell roommate.
It turns out Adam, the roommate, was with the government, and they take her to a gov't base of some sort to try and convince her to use her 'gift' to help them. Plot twist- Adam's on Juliette's side. Warner, the leader of the cult government, flirts with Juliette. Adam and Juliette escape to Adam's house and they see his little brother. Warner finds them and they run, ending up at a place for 'mutants' like Juliette.
There is set to be a Novella in Warner's POV, and a two more books.


The style of writing was interesting, to say the least. The main character's thoughts really do show that she had been in, basically, solitary confinement for about a year. She has counted every foot of the cell she's in. She constantly is pointing out numbers, like with Adam's 2 lips, 2 eyes, etc. She also crossed out some of her thoughts, like when she called her room a cell, which it totally was.
The beginning was kind of boring to me, because all she did was sit in a room and complain in her head. But the boring part was over quickly, and after that there was no putting the book down. I never knew whether or not to trust Adam, but one thing I'm sure about; Warner is a dumba**. He really pissed me off. But I felt kind of sorry for him, in that creepy he's a murderer way. Make sense?
I did think that the end, where they get to the home for the 'gifted' like Juliette, was a bit cliche. I mean, ever watched X-Men? What was the name of their school, Xavier's something? Whatever, off topic.
This book was very interesting, and I'm looking forward to the next two in the series.


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