Tuesday, July 2, 2013

3 Great Ways to Find New Books

It's not always easy to find your next read, so why not get some help? There are plenty, I'm sure, of websites that allow you to do this, but here are the top 3 that I am aware of. No particular order.

1. TasteKid
This website allows you to enter books you've read, shows and movies you've seen, and music you liked, and it takes that information and uses it to decide what shows, music, movies and books you might like as well. It is great, but since it's not 100% for books, it's not as specific or specialized as Goodreads, which I will talk about next.
2. Goodreads
Goodreads is basically a social network for readers. You can review, rate, and organize books that you have already read or want to read. After you've rated 20 books, you start getting book recommendations based on what you have liked. The more you read and rate, the better the suggestions. This one is great for avid readers, but if you don't read that much, it might be too much work.
3. Yahoo! Answers
I know it's not the best website, and it's definitely not made for books, but I've gotten great recommendations here. What you do to get the best recommendations is list the books you've liked that are alike, and in the same genre as the kind of books you're looking for. You'll get a lot of titles, and you'll have to look them up individually, but don't let that deter you! You can find your next favorite book by doing this.

While I'm sure there are more websites for this purpose, these will surely get you started!


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