Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Anna Dressed in Blood - Kendare Blake

Anna Dressed in Blood is a ghost story/paranormal romance duology (two book series) written by the lovely Kendare Blake, who actually responds to her fans on twitter:


This book is about Cas, a boy who, like his father before him, kills the dead. Ghosts, I mean. Basically, most ghosts in this book lose their personality, their humanity when they die, leaving just an angry spirit who wants revenge or whatever. So, that's where Cas comes in. He has to finish them off, sending them to wherever they're meant to be. Because of this 'job', he has to constantly relocate, with his mom (the witch), to the ghosts. It can take some time to figure out how to.. finish them.

He has never had a friend, and basically does nothing for fun. That is, until he goes to a new town, and meets Carmel (a popular girl) and Thomas (a psychic). They become friends and help him with his ghost killing. Enter Anna Dressed in Blood. She haunts the abandoned Victorian house in their town. She kills everyone who enters. She even kills two people that came in with Cas, but for some reason, she doesn't kill him.

Ok, that's enough for the summary, because I don't want to spoil it! :)


After reading Beautiful Creatures, I never wanted to read another book with a male main character, so I was kind of hesitant to read this one. But even though it has a male MC, I still completely understood what Cas was feeling and thinking.
The characters were great; they were relate-able and completely likable, except for the antagonists.
I love how the relationships grow, and nothing's too rushed. The characters grow and change throughout the course of the book, making you love them even more. The book had me hooked from page one. I couldn't put it down! There's mystery, romance, a lot of blood and gore, some descriptive blood and gore. That was the only thing I didn't really like about it, I don't care how crooked the person's head is after they're dead. Just say they're dead. But it added to the spook factor.
The ending had me wanting more, and lucky for me, there's a second, which I will review later.

Anna DIB doesn't have what it takes to be a popular YA novel; two hot boys fighting over the female MC. But I still think it's better than most of the junk that populates the YA bookshelves lately.

Moral of the review: never judge a book by it's popularity.


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