Friday, September 6, 2013

Writer's Block Cure: Force Writing

Force writing is a very helpful tactic to get out of writer's block. At least, it's worked for me so far. I spent 10 minutes Force Writing, and came up with 10 different ideas to write about! This article being one of them. It's very productive, and works well, because you bring up things from the back of your mind that you enjoy writing about.

What is force writing? Force writing is making yourself put whatever comes to mind onto paper. It doesn't have to be complete sentences, make it as sloppy as you want, as long as you can read it and understand what you were trying to say. Write fast, so you can get all your ideas down.

If, along the way, you think of an idea, write it down, and make sure it stands out, like put it in the middle, or outline it. That way, you can keep your ideas on paper, too.

For best results, put down individual words that come to mind, and then after you are done, re-read and try to think what those words meant when you wrote them. This gets your brain working, and those words mix together and form an idea based on what you enjoy writing about, because, if you think about something, then it just might be something worth writing about for you.

This is a great way to get ideas for writing, and once you come up with more ideas, then your brain starts making even more ideas. This is my favorite way to get out of writer's block.


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