Friday, September 6, 2013

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare -- Review

WARNING: This review contains a HUGE amount of fangirl-ishness


The book starts off with Clary (the MC) and her best friend, Simon, at an all ages club in their hometown, New York City. When Clary sees someone with a knife following someone into a back room, she follows, after sending Simon to alert the guards. There she meets Isabelle, Alec, and Jace. They were after a demon, but to her it just looked like murder, so she tried to stop them. Of course, with a seemingly mundane girl against three full fledged shadowhunters, it's not too hard to guess who stopped whom. Simon walks in and can't see the shadowhunters, and the demon is long gone by now. Clary says she'd just made a mistake and they go home. Then Clary's mom is kidnapped by a demon, and Jace saves her from another demon. I won't say anything more because I'd hate to spoil one of the best books ever!


I usually don't like 3rd person books. Usually. This 3rd person book, however, happens to be one of my favorites. It's actually perfect that it's in 3rd person, because it shows where other characters are and what happens to them, because they aren't normally all together. It also lets you know what each character is thinking and why they are doing what they are, so you get to get inside more heads than just the MC's. Though it did get a little confusing, at times.
The characters.. Oh mai God. They're amazingly written, described, and I loved watching their relationships grow. Namely Clace ;)
I loved the idea of a girl growing up not knowing she had anything special about her, and then BAM! One day her whole life's turned upside down and she figures out she's a SHADOWHUNTER!
This whole series is perfection, and I'll post the other reviews as I write them.

Oh, one last thing.

Sorry, fangirl moment.


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