Welcome to Being Brittish!

Welcome to my blog, a whole universe of ideas.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Hunger Games Movie

The Hunger Games came out midnight on March 23, 2012. It consisted of love, death, bonds, friendship, and much more.
Personally, I thought that the scene where Katniss volunteered for Prim was the best scene in the movie. The emotion put into those words, “I volunteer as tribute” really showed that Katniss loved her sister more than anything. Prim crying and trying to get to Katniss after the guards took her up to the stage really got to me. This was one of the many times of the movie where I almost cried. The scene I didn’t really like was when Katniss and Peeta attempt suicide because the game makers decided that only one tribute could make it out alive. They didn’t really put enough emotion and effort into that scene. In the book, it was much more touching, and in the movie, it was just boring.
This movie really did a great job when it comes to emotion and the bonds between characters. You could tell that the actors actually read the books and got really into their characters, like they connected with them. The emotion in some of the scenes was really touching, and the characters’ bonds made you wish you had that kind of bond with someone. The friendship that was created in and out of the arena was really amazing, it was a part of the movie that made you feel really good inside. Haymitch, one of my favorite characters, really added to the movie. He broke the tension between the characters in the beginning, and he really cared about Katniss and Peeta. He’s funny, he’s sarcastic, and I just love him!
The movie wasn’t perfect, though. The movie was very violent, with a large amount of fighting and deaths. The movie was full of blood and gore, and what made it worse is that it was kids killing each other for the entertainment of the capitol. The relationship between Katniss and Gale, back in the Seam, wasn’t presented very well in the movie in comparison to the books. You don’t really see, in the movie, how close they are, it seems like the actors didn’t really like each other, and the director didn’t really spend enough time on the scenes where they are together. Another thing I didn’t really like about the movie was that they changed how Katniss got the mockingjay pin. In the book, her friend Madge gave it to her before she left for the Games, and that’s when they really became friends. In the movie, she bought it for Prim, and Prim gave it back to her for the Games. It’s still really sweet, but in the movie, it makes it seem like Gale was the only friend Katniss had. It didn’t really focus at all on her life at home.
This movie was still very good. I love how the friendships grow, how the bonds are shown, and even though it was very violent, it was still very touching.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How To Talk to your Parents (So they will listen)

Whether you want your parents to let you have a sleepover on a school day, get your ears pierced, get a dog, or just about anything else, it can be very hard to convince your parents to allow you.
Parents can be tricky to communicate with. They never seem to understand their kids. Oh, they say, "I was a kid once!" but then they go right ahead and ignore everything that you say to them. It can be very difficult, but yes, it is possible to talk to your parents and have them actually listen. Here are my tips on how to make it a whole lot easier.
1. Be mature
Parents are more likely to listen to you if you act mature. I’m willing to promise you that over half the time your parents say ‘no’ to something you’re asking for, it’s because they don’t think you are mature enough, or capable of handling the responsibilities that may come along with it. Show them that you are ready, and that you will handle the responsibilities right by doing your chores, making your bed, not arguing with your siblings, and doing what they tell you to do, when they tell you to do it.
2. Prepare a speech
When you have something prepared to say to your parents, you sound much more ready for whatever you want to do. You should have all your points set out, and all your ideas carefully listed. Also take some time to go over some questions or issues your parents may bring up, and your response to them.
3. Do research
Look up some articles on what you want. If you want a dog, find the kind of dog that would be best for you and your family. Show your parents that you have done your work and are ready for this responsibility.
4. Write an essay or letter
Writing is a much easier way to collect all your information and your opinions. Make an essay or letter and give it to your parents. Make sure you do this AFTER sitting down with them and talking to them about it, because you don’t want them thinking you’re being lazy by just writing a letter.
5. Be prepared for them to say 'no'
Yes, it may annoy you, but they do have a right to say no. And, the more respectful you are when they do say it, the more likely you are to get to do it another time.

Simple Websites to help the Poor

There are many websites out there that will actually give money or vaccines, etc to the poor when you do something. That can be anything from clicking a button and looking at some sponsors, to answering trivia! I love doing these, because it takes my free time, and makes them productive. I feel good, and I'm helping other people live happier, healthier, longer lives.

The first website I will show you is thenonprofits.com. It lists all the click to donate sites for different categories. I try to go through all of them once a day. Note that some of the links are old, and won't work, but the ones that do are worth the time taken going through the broken ones.


The second website I'm going to show you is freerice.com. It is a trivia game, where, for every question you get right, rice is given to the hungry. The questions are in levels and categories, so you can actually study and learn while doing this. This website is 100% legit.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting Novel Writing Ideas

Coming up with ideas for books and novels can be tricky. You have to really think, think about everything you want to be in the book. Think of the characters, the plot, the conflict, the setting, everything! This is what I do.

First, you should always decide how long you want your book to be. If you want it to be a children's picure book, then make sure your plot is simple enough that it can fit into a picture book.

Also, think about who your audience is. If you are writing for toddlers, then you wouldn't want to use difficult words they wouldn't understand. And you wouldn't want any romance in the story.

Then, I brainstorm ideas for my niche (your area of writing comfort). Mine, which happens to be teen paranormal romance, is easy for me to think and to write about, because I enjoy it. So, I think of every type of mystical creature, and decide which one I want my main character(s) to be.

Then, I decide how I want my main characters to act, and make a character page for each and every one of them. Yes, it is difficult, but who ever said novel writing was easy? The character pages include name, date of birth, a detailed description, and their personality. You can add much, much more, though.

Then, I think about what I want to happen. Who should the heroine fall in love with? Should there be a love triangle? What is the conflict? How do they meet? When do they fall in love? etc.

How should the book end? Should I leave it open for a sequel? Or is the ending perfect, and I don't really want to mess with it?

It's your story, your idea, make it you!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Sorcerer's Apprentice 2? Could there be a sequel?

The sorcerer's apprentice was a movie filmed in 2010, a family comedy, about a seemingly normal boy, Dave Stutler, who finds out he is destined to be a powerful sorcerer. He then goes on to many different adventures with his mentor, Belthazor, and finds out that he bit off more than he could chew.

The reason that I think that there may be a sequel, is that at the end, you see the main antagonist's hat on the pole, just after Dave and Belthazor have won, indicating that there is room for a sequel. Also, it could have a sequel, as it is based off a series of books. They probably left it open so that they could have a sequel if they felt like it.

One of the reasons that there may not be a sequel is that the Sorcerer's Apprentice didn't do very well in the theatres, and rumor has it that, because of that, there will be no sequel.

But, we really don't know until they announce it. There could be, and there could not be, don't let your hopes down, and don't get your hopes up.

Either way, if you haven't seen The Sorcerer's Apprentice, I highly reccomend that you should. It is very funny and a great movie for parents to watch with their kids.

What do you think? Should there be a sequel? Should there not? Why? Leave your response in the comments.

Maximum Ride; Reasons I'm Team FAX (spoilers)

Ok, let me explain. Two of the main characters, Max, and Fang, fall in love (TEAM FAX), then they break up (kinda) and get caught up in a love triangle (square?). Max gets involved with Dylan [Team Mylan :( ], and Fang gets sorta involved with Maya, Max's clone. Creepy, right?

So, I am completely and totally, with all my heart, team Fax. Want to know why?

1. Best Friends Forever!

Max and Fang have been best friends forever, and they have a long history, it was just so meant to be. They know everything about each other, and still love each other. Fang and Max has got to be the best fictional couple that I've ever read about. I don't think James Patterson is dumb enough to create the perfect couple and then break it up at the end. I hope he isn't dumb enough..

2."Right Wing Man"

Fang has always been Max's "right wing man". The second in command, who she looks to for help when she can't keep control, or when she has a tough decision to make. He's always been there for her, when she needs him, and when she would rather he not be there.

3. Fax just sounds so right

Mylan does not. Point Proven.

4. Uhm, sexy much?

Fang is sooooo sexy, I just love him! The way he is described in the books, he is the tall dark and handsome, quiet and mysterious, silent and dangerous, but loving, all at the same time. Who wouldn't want that?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Maximum Ride - Nevermore by James Patterson

Also posted on my Goodreads account.


For those of you who haven't read the series, Maximum Ride is about a group of kids who grew up in a science lab, created by "mad" scientists. Long story short; they have wings. They have escaped the lab and are fugitives, on the run. I make it sound so interesting (not), but I really don't know how to describe it!


Wow, the end of Maximum Ride. I don't even know where to start with this. I've actually put off writing this review for a while now, but I need to do this. I must release the feels! Well, let me tell you, first, that MR was my favorite series, up until Angel (the book, not the person). I was obsessed with it. UP UNTIL ANGEL. I have always been in love with Fang, and when he left and treated Max like shit, I was dying inside. The fangirl in me was screaming, FAX FAX FAX! And I didn't really want to finish, but I felt like I had to see the series through to the end, after following it for so long. HUGE MISTAKE


Horrible. That's one word to describe the last book in the Maximum Ride series. Depressing. That's another. Makesmewanttokillmyself. Yet another. A horrible ending to a series that had great potential. I read reviews about it and didn't want to read it, but I did. Why am I so stupid?! I should have left it on the bookshelf and keep the series in my imagination, where there's really no end to it, if that made any sense at all. I bet it didn't. Just ignore that.

Max has become a completely different person. No longer the badass heroine that we all loved, she is now a boy-crazy beady-eyed lovebird. She didn't even think about Angel. She tried to pretend that she never existed, because it hurt to think about her. The Max I know would never do that. She would never give up on Angel, would search for her forever. But no, instead she's riding a motorcycle (?? how did they get a motorcycle?) with Dylan.

Then Maya dies because of Ari, which by the way, HOW DID HE COME BACK TO LIFE?! and Fang comes back to the flock. They find out Angel might not be dead, go looking for her, yadayadayada, find her and bring her home. I think they might have clipped her wings, but I'm not sure. I kind of skimmed. Really, it was the most I could bring myself to do.

Then it turns out Dr. Martinez (Max's MOM!!) was on the bad guys side. But then it's all okay because she was brainwashed.
The ending. Oh my God, I wanted to die. What happens is Angel tells Max that she's her Voice, and then Fang and Max make out, and then the whole human population dies, except for the mutants.
Overall, the book was rushed and left a whole lot of loose ends. A few (not all) of the questions I had after reading this book were:

1. What about Dylan?
I mean, I'm 100% Fax, but what about the other boy in this love triangle? He's probably gonna have to stay with the flock, so won't that be awkz?

2. What happened to the rest of the flock?
They were in a cave thanks to Dylan when the end of the world happened, so Max (and the reader) has absolutely no idea what happened to them.

3. What's with Ella?
She leaves this cryptic message 'I was meant to have wings' in the sand and is gone, so what the hell happened? She just reappeared with her mom.

4. Speaking of Ella
What happened to her and her mom? Did they survive?

5. Ari. WTF
How the crap did Ari come back, and why wasn't he nice anymore?

This book left me with more questions that I had starting it. Personally, I'd rather have not read it and finish the book in my imagination (that's a better way to say that).

I refuse to believe that the man who wrote the first few books could have written this piece of shit. I did like that Fax reunited, but that's the only thing I liked about this book.


Divergent by Veronica Roth -- Review

((I wrote this a LONG time ago on my Goodreads. It's a horrible fangirly review, so I may rewrite it later on.)) 
Well. This one's going to be hard to review because I'M SO freaking OBSESSED WITH IT!!
Let me start by saying that when I first read this book, I was so eager to see what happened next, that I kinda "skimmed" the whole book. Which I completely regret. It goes kind of slow at first, but it's all important. I wish I could go back and forget what I read, and read it the right way. But I can't. SO I re-read it. I have no idea how many times I've read this book, but it's a lot. 
I have so much to say about this book, i don't have ANY idea where to start Dx
Alright, I'll start with the beginning. 
Ok, I think I should obsess first, review later.
ohmygod. four. *starts hyperventilating* Too much to say about four, so little time (meaning I'm lazy)
First of all, Four is so mysterious which I kind of liked at the time, but I'm so glad we learned more about him through the book. 

EDIT Better Review, without as much obsessing

How does one properly write a review for their favorite book? They don't. Or at least, I don't. I have so much to say about this book, and a short attention span. I will try to make this make as much sense as possible, but I can't promise anything.
Summary: [spoiler alert] 
Beatrice Prior, born into Abnegation, the selfless, feels out of place. She thinks she is anything but selfless. Even though her aptitude test gives her results for Abnegation, Dauntless, and Erudite. That's why, when the choosing ceremony comes, she tranfers out of Abnegation and into Dauntless, the brave.
After jumping off a building (into a net) Beatrice meets Four, the instructor, and later love interest (<4), and renames herself Tris. She becomes friends with Will, Christina, and Al, all transfers. They help eachother through initiation. She then meets Dauntless initiates, Uriah, Lynn, and Marlene. They become friends too. After Tris is ranked first in initiation stage 2, Peter and his friends/thugs kidnap her in the middle of the night and dangle her over the chasm, claiming to have just been trying to scare her. Al is with them. Four saver her. She learns who Four really is (Tobias Eaton, from Abnegation) by going through his Fear landscape with him. After a long make-out sesh with Four, the next day in training, she gets scared and he yells at her. She runs off to her brother Caleb, in Erudite, and gets in trouble. Eric, the Dauntless leader, threatens to kick her and her friends out, to become factionless, when Four steps in. Turns out, he was just trying to protect her by yelling at her.
Then, all of Dauntless is put under a simulation run by the Erudite, to attack the Abnegation. All except the Divergent, Tris and Four. When Eric tries to shoot Four, thinking he was under the simulation, Tris shoots Eric, and they run off. Tris gets shot and is captured, Four stays with her and he is put under a simulation designed for Divergent "rebels". Tris is set to be executed, and her mother saves her. They then escape to the place where their family is hiding, but her mother is shot and killed. Tris kills Will. Finds Four, who is running the simulation, while under one of his own, and attempts to stop him. She has the chance to, by killing him. She turns the gun in her hands and gives it to him, unable to do so.
He comes out of the simulation and destroys the computer, freeing the other Dauntless from the simulation.
They escape and get on a train to Amity.

[/spoiler alert]

The characters in this book were amazing, so relatable and well developed, as well as the relationships between them. The plot was fast paced and interesting, had me hooked from start to finish.
The only thing about this book I didn't like was the name Beatrice. I had actually read the blurb, considering reading it, but when I read the name "Beatrice" I was totally turned off. I didn't like that name, and decided not to read it. It was totally stupid, and I will not make that mistake again. 

When Lightning Strikes (1-800-Where-R-You, #1) -- Review

--Originally posted on my old blog and Goodreads--
I'd been planning to read this book for a while, but just now got around to it. I am so glad that I did. I read the first two books in half a day.


Wow, this book was great. Like, 4 stars out of 5 great! I didn't really like that it was written as the MC writing a police report, but I completely forgot about it while reading. I like the idea that being struck by lightning can give you superpowers, and this book really did a great job with that. I was hooked the whole way through, and really understood what Jess was feeling when she did certain things.
The characters were likable, and completely relate-able.
This book was well written and the ideas flowed smoothly. I am definitely going to read the rest of the series.


This series is about Jessica "Jess" Mastriani, a 16 year old girl who, other than the facts that she tends to get into fights and only has one friend, is basically a normal teen girl. Until she and her best friend, Ruth, get caught in a thunderstorm and hide under metal bleachers. And she gets struck by lightning. They walk home, thinking everything's fine, but when she wakes up the next day, she knows where some missing kids are. Thus starts her journey.

After detention, she goes with Rob Wilkins (senior hottie) to where the first missing kid, Sean, was supposed to be. He's there, all right. But he doesn't want to be found. Jess calls the police after they return home and they find him.

Jess keeps in touch with the missing children hotline- 1-800-where-r-u, and gives them locations daily. One day, the FBI catches her making the phone calls and offer her a "job" with them. Someone tells the media about her, and her house is surrounded with reporters. When her brother Douglas goes berserk about it, she decides that maybe the best thing to do is to go with the FBI.

When she finds out that the first boy she reported to the police actually had a reason to not want to be found, she goes to look for him and fix it. He had runaway from his abusive father that he'd been returned to, and she found him at the bus station. She buys him pizza and they talk about what to do, when the FBI shows up. They run, and eventually are both caught. They end up locked in the FBI base.

Jess calls Rob asking him to break them out. He does so, and causes a great amount of commotion. They go back to his house and stay the night.

Jess then decides to give Sean and his mother the $10,000 that she received for finding a kid to start over, and get away from the abusive dad.

She tells the reporter that she has lost her psychic ability, when she hasn't, to get the media off her butt.
The book ends with a police note that she should be watched.

Friday, September 6, 2013

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare -- Review

WARNING: This review contains a HUGE amount of fangirl-ishness


The book starts off with Clary (the MC) and her best friend, Simon, at an all ages club in their hometown, New York City. When Clary sees someone with a knife following someone into a back room, she follows, after sending Simon to alert the guards. There she meets Isabelle, Alec, and Jace. They were after a demon, but to her it just looked like murder, so she tried to stop them. Of course, with a seemingly mundane girl against three full fledged shadowhunters, it's not too hard to guess who stopped whom. Simon walks in and can't see the shadowhunters, and the demon is long gone by now. Clary says she'd just made a mistake and they go home. Then Clary's mom is kidnapped by a demon, and Jace saves her from another demon. I won't say anything more because I'd hate to spoil one of the best books ever!


I usually don't like 3rd person books. Usually. This 3rd person book, however, happens to be one of my favorites. It's actually perfect that it's in 3rd person, because it shows where other characters are and what happens to them, because they aren't normally all together. It also lets you know what each character is thinking and why they are doing what they are, so you get to get inside more heads than just the MC's. Though it did get a little confusing, at times.
The characters.. Oh mai God. They're amazingly written, described, and I loved watching their relationships grow. Namely Clace ;)
I loved the idea of a girl growing up not knowing she had anything special about her, and then BAM! One day her whole life's turned upside down and she figures out she's a SHADOWHUNTER!
This whole series is perfection, and I'll post the other reviews as I write them.

Oh, one last thing.

Sorry, fangirl moment.

Two Underrated Female Singers

I've found that the lesser-known singers appeal more to my music taste. They seem to be more friendly and communicative with their fans. Here are two of my favorite unknown singers.

Michelle Branch, a more known but underappreciated pop artist from back in '03, has been singing country, but now is making a comeback to pop. She has an amazing voice, and is pure talent. Her songs are so down to earth, and it makes you want to call her up and tell her how much she means to you, how much her songs inspire you. She is so beautiful, and she does NOT use autotune, she writes her own songs, etc. And, unlike most of the famous singers nowadays, there are NO slutty outfits.

Vanessa Carlton, pronounced as a one-hit-wonder back in '02, has gathered up her guts and made a comeback. Finally! She and Michelle Branch^^ could be twins, they are both so beautiful and great at singing. They write about the same things, but they both have their own style. Vanessa's music videos are pure, and clean, so anyone can watch them. She has a great, pure voice and like most of the girls I have listed, is so down to earth, she could be you, for all we know.

My Struggle w/ Anxiety

I have had anxiety for as long as I can remember, though that doesn't say much. I'm 15 years old, and don't remember half of my life. I've had some traumatic events happen to me, and I guess I just wasn't strong enough to properly deal with them. From my understanding, it all started when I was a young child, a toddler. My father had anger issues and occasionally hurt me and my siblings. It wasn't bad enough to get him sent away, so there was really nothing we could do about it. Being a little kid, I actually thought that I deserved it.
My anxiety didn't really come out until first grade, when my mom got sick and almost died in front of me. I thought she was dead, and that made a huge impact on me. After that, I had horrible separation anxiety, so school was, obviously, horrible. My 1st grade teacher did nothing to help, in fact, she just made it worse. She was horrible. I think that's where the anxiety about school started.
In 2nd grade, I switched schools to a private school because I was way above my grade level, and we just hated the school system. I went to the private school for 2 years, 2nd-3rd grade, and it was mostly fine.
Then, in 4th grade, I went to another elementary school in the district, and it was okay, not as good as at the private school but I made it through.
When I switched back to the first school in 5th grade, everything went to crap. I don't know what started it, probably the memory of 1st grade. I didn't want to be in class. I wanted to go home. I used to hide in the bathroom stall and skip class, usually crying.
6th grade was different, because I went to a middle school that year. It started off okay, but then it got worse, and stayed that way through 7th grade. I sometimes ran out of the classroom and hid in the bathroom. I couldn't go to gym. I thought everyone was out to get me.
In 8th grade, I finally did it. I walked out of the school. I tried to walk home, and got way lost. This resulted in a suspension, which was exactly what I wanted. I mean, no school for 2 weeks? So then it became a reasonable option in my mind. I still haven't been able to shake this. I've been suspended upwards of 7 times for that.
9th grade was shit. It started off okay, but then about 1/6 the way through the year, I was put on half days, which I started  being unable to attend even that. Most days I stayed home for fear of feeling anxious. Eventually, I got online courses, which I didn't do because they reminded me of being in school. I almost failed.
I hope that 10th grade will be better.

Why Freelance is for Anyone - Earn Even More!

Since joining Triond back in 2011, I have been searching for ways to make more profit from my writing. Recently, however, I stumbled upon the art of Magazine Freelancing. Magazines are businesses- they need to earn money. Most magazines cannot fully rely on their employees for content, and that's where freelancers come in. You send in your work or ideas to them, and then they offer you a certain amount of money for it, and unless you're super famous on Triond, it's going to be way more than you earn here a month! I'm not saying you should stop writing for Triond, but keep in mind that you can earn more for certain articles.
Most magazines have a website. If you already know what magazines you are interested in writing for, look them up and find the website. At the bottom of the page, there should be either a link along the lines of "Write for us". This is their way of saying "freelance" without making their business seem unprofessional. Once you click the link, there should be instructions and guidelines about what to submit. If they don't have that section, check out their "Contact us" section. You can always email them directly asking if they accept freelancers.
I have sent in two different articles to The Dollar Stretcher, and have been paid about $125 for the both.
A few tips:
1) Don't get discouraged by rejection.
When you get that email that says ‘Unfortunately…” don’t get upset! It doesn’t mean that you’re a bad writer at all, it just means that your article wasn’t the best match for the website. Don’t give up, just keep trying! Also, don’t think this means that you can’t submit anything to that website ever again ; they would love to hear from you again!
2) Write your best, nothing less.
You won’t earn much money from your writing if you aren’t going to put 100% into it. You should want to be proud of your writing, so put everything you have into it.
3) Be professional when emailing magazines.
This doesn’t mean you should sound like a robot; just make sure you spell everything right, use correct punctuation, and refer to the person receiving the email as if they were your boss. Treat them with respect and they will return the favor.
I found this directory of freelance magazines to be VERY helpful. Check it out here.

My End of the World Playlist

~This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars

"We will fight to the death, to the edge of the earth"

~Collapse (Post-Amerika) by Rise Against

"This is cardiac arrest of a world too proud to admit our mistakes"

~Holiday by Green Day

"I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies"

~How Far We've Come by Matchbox Twenty
"What're you doing man you know the world is headed for hell"

~If Everyone Cared by Nickelback

"..and nobody cried, then we'd see the day when nobody died"

~Until The End by Breaking Benjamin

"I live to die another day, until I fade away"

~Uprising by Muse
"They will not control us"

~World so Cold by Three Days Grace
"Never thought I'd feel this, empty and I'm broken down inside"

~Arise by Flyleaf

"Sing to me about the end of the world"

When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka -- Rant/Review

No. One does not start a book off by killing their fucking dog. 
I knew this book would be depressing just by the cover and the blurb. Only reason I even tried to read it was because it was for my english class. Now there's no way I'm going to read it. I'd rather take the zero than finish this piece of shit.

Writer's Block Cure: Force Writing

Force writing is a very helpful tactic to get out of writer's block. At least, it's worked for me so far. I spent 10 minutes Force Writing, and came up with 10 different ideas to write about! This article being one of them. It's very productive, and works well, because you bring up things from the back of your mind that you enjoy writing about.

What is force writing? Force writing is making yourself put whatever comes to mind onto paper. It doesn't have to be complete sentences, make it as sloppy as you want, as long as you can read it and understand what you were trying to say. Write fast, so you can get all your ideas down.

If, along the way, you think of an idea, write it down, and make sure it stands out, like put it in the middle, or outline it. That way, you can keep your ideas on paper, too.

For best results, put down individual words that come to mind, and then after you are done, re-read and try to think what those words meant when you wrote them. This gets your brain working, and those words mix together and form an idea based on what you enjoy writing about, because, if you think about something, then it just might be something worth writing about for you.

This is a great way to get ideas for writing, and once you come up with more ideas, then your brain starts making even more ideas. This is my favorite way to get out of writer's block.

Just Finished 'Destroy Me' by Tahereh Mafi - Review

--Contains spoilers for those who haven't read Shatter me--
In Shatter Me, Juliette is taken from the asylum in which she has spent over a year in isolation, only to be taken to a 'government' facility and treated as a captive to be used as a weapon for the Reesablishment. The Reestablishment is a group that controls what is left of America in this dystopian world where food is scarce and the environment is in disrepair.

Warner, the leader of the facility that Juliette is being held at, takes an interest in Juliette and tries to get her to join him on his mission. Juliette continuously refuses to be a weapon used to torture people. When Adam, one of Warner's soldiers, helps Juliette escape, they run to Adam's house in an abandoned area past town. Warner and his men find them and they escape again, leaving both Adam and Warner wounded. Adam and Juliette make it to a 'safe house', where Adam gets patched up and Juliette finds out that she is not the only one with 'powers'.
This novella directly follows 'Shatter Me', and instead of being in Juliette's voice, this is from Warner's point of view. Readers really get a better insight of 'the bad guy', and are introduced to a new bad guy, Warner's father. This book honestly changed my opinion of Warner for the better, to the point where I wouldn't mind if he and Juliette ended up together. In fact, I may or may not ship it.

The novella begins from the point where Warner is shot, and follows him through his struggle to put on a brave face and find Juliette, while proving to his men that he is strong enough to control them.

I really enjoyed getting into Warner's mind, it was refreshing to see that he's not completely bad. Readers will finally understand his 'obsession' with Juliette, and realize that there's more to him than meets the eye.


This novella isn't completely necessary to read if you want to read the second book, but it definitely adds some additional depth and perspective, and will help you understand Warner better. Personally, I'm really glad that I read it, because it gives me hope that people can change. Maybe I'm just a dreamer. Maybe this author isn't a complete jerk-face.
We'll see.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Received: Seeds of Transition by C Holland & K Hollenbach

Today I received my free and signed copy of Seeds of Transition  by Carolyn Holland. This is book one of her series, The Genesis Project.
I plan to start reading this book ASAP and leave a review for the author.
Review will be posted here, on Goodreads, and probably other places like Amazon as well.